Snake River
Fishing Trips
Fall-Run Snake River steelhead come charging up the Columbia River into the Snake River eventually reaching the fishing grounds in Hells Canyon beginning in September and into October. These are considered A-Run Steelhead due to the time they spend in the Pacific Ocean. These incredible fish are heading for tributaries of the Snake River such as the Grand Ronde River, the Imnaha River, and the Salmon River.
Don't be surprised to catch a fall-run chinook salmon on these trips as the fall-run Snake River chinook salmon are returning at this time of year as well which is a nice double bonus. You may even have time to stop and try to catch a sturgeon as well on these trips so you could be in for a triple bonus.
You may never have better scenery than a steelhead fishing trip in Hells Canyon. Bighorn Sheep and Elk in rut are who you will see more of on your trip than other people. .